观点 | 
2008年01月06日 22:12 Posted by Bedi    评论(2) |  收藏
TAGS: 产业    趋势    08    
4A广告公司JWT的趋势总监Ann Mack最近发表了对于08年预测的80个趋势。其中有些与中国和时尚有关的,FTD挑出来稍微扩展一下。



英国演员Keira Knightley,见FTD的文摘就知道为啥

华裔设计师Phillip Lim,见FTD观点


设计师品牌Vena Cava,FTD的纽约Friends网站Refinery29曾经报道过,看来确实不错。




日本设计(Tsumori Chisato, Uniqlo优衣库, Muji无印良品等)



时尚界注重循环利用,看看设计师Gary Harvey用41条Levi's 501牛仔裤做的衣服。

电影版《Sex and the City》,期待很久了。



1. Africa (foreign investment and development in)
2. Antibiotic backlash
3. Assisted marriage
4. Beijing 2008
5. Blue replacing green as the environmental movement's color du jour
6. Brain exercises
7. British actress Keira Knightley
8. Carbon tax
9. Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang
10. Classical musician Gustavo Dudamel
11. Climate sightseeing
12. Continuation of comebacks (Indiana Jones, The Cure, etc.)
13. Cooperative consumption
14. Couch surfing
15. country branding (Oman, Indonesia, etc.)
16. Designer Phillip Lim
17. De-teching
18. DJ Tiesto
19. DNA-based exercising
20. E-clutter (and e-clutter consultants)
21. Eco-fatigue
22. E-mail etiquette
23. Facebook suicides
24. Fashion label Vena Cava
25. Foreign government investment (e.g., China, UAE) in U.S. companies
26. French President Nicolas Sarkozy
27. Game 3.0 (gamer-generated global gaming)
28. Google's Android
29. Gossip Girl
30. Gphone
31. Green weddings
32. Higher education online
33. Hip-hop's Retro Kids
34. Humbling of the hedge fund manager (anti-excess post sub-prime)
35. Hybrid taxis
36. Indian actress Deepika Padukone
37. Intellectual luxury
38. Investigating ingredients
39. Japanese designs (Tsumori Chisato, Uniqlo, Muji, etc.)
40. Kitchen appliances as new power tools
41. Lifestyle curators
42. Lipstick trumping lip gloss
43. Manga-inspired clothes
44. Mobile technology explosion
45. Mobulimia
46. Music as awareness driver; concerts and other residuals as cash cow
47. Musicovery (music tailored to moods)
48. Myanmar
49. Nollywood (the rise of Nigerian cinema)
50. Outsourcing to Ukraine (and other Eastern European countries)
51. Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto
52. Pantone's 18-3943 (blue iris)
53. Pets in the office
54. Prius homes
55. Radical transparency
56. Radiohead repeats (name-your-own-price music)
57. Recycling into fashion (Nau, Gary Harvey, etc.)
58. Selfless as the new selfish
59. Sex and the City, the movie
60. Shiny Toy Guns (the band)
61. Skiing in novel spots (Kashmir, Japan, Greenland, Russia, Korea, etc.)
62. Single men saying no to sex
63. Skype sex
64. Smart Cars in American cities
65. SNS (social network service) brand communities
66. Spanish actor Javier Bardem
67. Staycations
68. Sturking
69. Tequila as the new wine
70. The N-11
71. Third screen (the mobile screen) rivaling the first screen (TV: 22.70, -0.31, -1.34%)
72. Trans-ertainment
73. U.S. gymnast Shawn Johnson
74. U.S. presidential election
75. Vicarious consumption
76. (Video) Gaming Olympics
77. Virtual gifting
78. Wannabe young Internet entrepreneurs (a.k.a. Mark Zuckerberg copycats)
79. Weak dollar/strong euro
80. Women juggling men

 评论 | VOICES

on September(9月)25, 2015 at 12:03 AM | Posted by XOXO
8月28日,“2015首届中国生态环保面料设计大赛评审会”(简称大赛)在盛泽举行。大赛由中国纺织工业联合会主办,中国纺织信息中心、国家纺织产品开发中心、苏州市吴江区中国东方丝绸市场管委会共同承办,江苏省苏州市吴江区盛泽镇人民政府特别支持。 (查看全文)
on September(9月)25, 2015 at 11:41 AM | Posted by XOXO
8月27-28日,“2015中国国际面料设计大赛评审会”(秋冬季)暨“16/17秋冬中国流行面料入围评审会” 、“2015中国国际面料创意大赛评审会”在江苏吴江盛泽举行。活动由中国纺织工业联合会主办,中国纺织信息中心、国家纺织产品开发中心、中国国际贸易促进委员会纺织行业分会、纺织行业职业技能鉴定指导中心、中国流行色协会、法兰克福展览(香港)有限公司等单位共同承办。 (查看全文)
on September(9月)24, 2015 at 10:41 AM | Posted by 陈蕾蕾
谁是全球最性感明星?Victoria’s Secret绝对是至关重要的发言人之一,Victoria’s Secret内衣秀早就了众多知名模特,品牌还推出了“WhoIs Sexy”的榜单,来看看今年的榜单排名吧。 (查看全文)
on September(9月)23, 2015 at 11:22 AM | Posted by 陈蕾蕾
本周五,在英国的布里斯托城市,手袋品牌Mulberry遭到抗议,根据英国报刊The Western Daily Press的报道,抗议者希望引起品牌对人权的关注,品牌位于土耳其的SF Leather工厂存在侵犯人权的行为。 (查看全文)
on September(9月)23, 2015 at 11:15 AM | Posted by 陈蕾蕾
Jean Paul Gaultier的服装将于10月1日开始在日本的Seven&iHolding旗下的Ito-Yokado, Sogo和Seibu店铺销售,平价系列服装可在7-Eleven便利店购买。 (查看全文)
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