Seasonality(or not ?) (无)季节性
最近几年气候变的越来越无常,季节的划分变的也越来越模糊,设计师为了迎合变化无常的天气,在冬季推出轻薄的裙子,水粉色系,春夏季推出冬天才会穿的保暖料。在14春夏走秀的T台上,Marc Jacobs & Prada都不约而同的的推出了带有绚丽花边的毛呢大衣和镶嵌宝石的呢子外套,Prada甚至大胆的推出了裘皮大衣。
Recent years, the weather changes erratically, the division of seasons also become increasingly blurred. As a result, designers have to work on light dresses and pastel colors in winter to meet the situation. For example, during the last SS14 fashion show, Marc Jacobs & Prada showed magnificent lacework and inlaid jewelry on wool coat in the latest winter collection. Prada offers even fur coats for the spring summer collection.

颜色方面,黑色和白色依然是这季的主色。比利时设计师Dries Van Noten以灰暗的色系为主线,并在细节上运用了金色,如金色的镶边或锦缎,这使整个系列都沉浸在节日的气中。越来越多的设计师打破常规,产品的季节性逐渐被弱化。
In terms of colors, black and white are still the main colors for this season. Belgian designer Dries Van Noten keeps dark grayish colors as the spindle, combines with gold in details such as golden piping or brocade, to make the whole collection immersed in a festival atmosphere. More designers chose to break the seasonal rules and products became more seasonless.
既然季节已经不那么重要了,品牌更应该围绕其自身的DNA,苦练内功, 把产品做到极致,并不得不在拓展产品品类的广度和专研通季单品之间作出选择。
As seasonal attribute becomes less important, brand should works on its core DNA and enhance the internal competiveness, to optimize the products from all around, and choose the right product strategy between expanding the product categories and focusing on the inter-season mono products.

[ Dries Van Noten ]
MLC, Strategy and Creation consulting company
25 years in France and 7 years in China with its Shanghai branch Xiao Qiao MLC.
Our Professional Scope: Supporting brands in fashion and creative industries to build a strong brand identity and expression which is distinctive and in the mood of time of the market evolution.
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