地点﹕新天地时尚中庭 上海马当路245号地下一层中厅
10月9日 知名时装设计师马伟明先生 时装潮流及设计
10月16日 香港理工大学纺织及制衣学系副系主任、教授及博士生导师区伟文教授 现今时装之新诠译
10月23日 资深时装设计师及形象顾问文丽贤小姐 专业形象及社交礼仪
现为香港时装设计师协会副主席的马伟明, 不断致力提高香港时装无论在本地或国际市场的形象和地位。随着马伟明和一班充满热诚的时装设计师的默默苦干,他们为香港时装界奠下良好的根基,使香港能从廉价的成衣工业中心转变为一个设计高级时装的大都会。与此同时,他亦鼓励新秀应作多方面尝试,在困难中吸取经验,为本地时装界发放异彩,共同迈向国际市场。
马伟明在第二十七届香港秋冬时装节1996获得优异大奖。一九九七年,他荣获Porsche Design「创意动力大奖」。在「一九九七年的艺术家年奖」中,获颁发时装设计师大奖,以表彰他多年来对时装的热忱,并积极投入和推动时装艺术的发展。二零零七年荣获广州南方都市报颁发的「年度风尚国内服装设计师」奬。
马伟明的时装专门店 “Walter Ma” 在香港铜锣湾耀华街16号地下, 出售剪裁独特的女装和精致宴会服。除了中国大陆,我们的设计在新加坡及杜拜也有发售。另外,马伟明现在专注在国内担任多间品牌的设计顾问。
区伟文Raymond Au
Prof. Raymond Au is presently a Professor, serving in the Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prof. Raymond Au gained his National Diploma (with Distinction) in Fashion Design, and Certificate in Art & Design (with Distinction) from the London College of Fashion, which has now become part of the University of Arts London. He further gained his MA in Fashion from St. Martin's School of Art (now the Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design). His great passion in fashion illustration which he has developed from his earlier fashion training in UK, and with works exhibited in renowned fairs like Pitti Filati, Italy, has further induced him to gain his Doctorate in fashion illustration from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is currently the Associate Head of the Institute.
With over 30 years of teaching experience, Prof. Au's areas of interest include Fashion Design, Fashion Illustration, Historic Fashion, Fashion Semiology, Product Development, and Uniform Design. With his accumulated academic stature, he has built close links not only with fashion institutions in most parts of the world, but also the industry, and professional bodies, both locally and internationally. In external academic achievements, Prof. Au holds honorary appointments of Consulting and Visiting Professors of some 17 fashion institutions in China, namely, Central Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing; Beijing Clothing Institute of Technology; Beijing FID International Fashion Institute of Design; Fashion Institute of Donghua University; Faculty of Art & Design, Suzhou; Zhongyuan Institute of Technology; College of Textile & Garment, Guangzhou University; Guangzhou union Textile College; Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts; Institute of Fashion, Huizhou University, Guangdong; Faculty of Art & Design, Shenzhen University; and Faculty of Art & Design, Shenzhen Polytechnic. In neighboring regions, he is the Visiting Professor and International Advisory Committee Member of International School of Fashion Studies, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore; and Honorary Advisor of Macao Fashion Designer's Society, founded by Macao Productivity & Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTM).
With his culturally sensitivity and academic dedication, he served in the capacity of Honorary Secretary of The Clothing & Footwear Institute Hong Kong Branch for many years. He now serves in the executive committees of the Textile Institute Hong Kong Section, and The Hong Kong Institute of Textile and Apparel. Prof. Au is an elected Fellow (CText FTI) of The Textile Institute International, UK; Fellow of The Clothing & Footwear Institute, UK, Fellow (FHKITA) of The Hong Kong Institute of Textiles and Apparel; and Honorary Advisor and Member of the Apparel Merchandising Professional Association, HK. He is also member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Fashion Studies, Singapore, and member of Editorial Committee of International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI). Concurrently, Prof. Au regularly acts as adjudicator for fashion contests in the mainland China, and has been officiated many academic events in places like Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
Prof. Au is also active in consultancy work, designing uniforms and assisting in fashion show coordination. He was one the 3 consultants appointed by the Hong Kong Institute of Education to assist in the programme development of their Bachelor of Education (BEd.) in Home Economics. In uniform design, his clienteles include The Bank of China (Hong Kong), the Hong Kong Airport Authority, Mass Transit Corporation (MTRC), The Beijing All-Chinese Women Federation for UN Conference on Women (WCW), the Hong Kong Post Office, the Town Gas, and the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association.
文丽贤于创办「致达商理有限公司」及个人品牌 JUDY MANN(朱迪曼)之前,曾任纽约著名时装公司 - Thayer International总设计师。她不仅精于设计富型格的时尚便服,她那灵感源源不绝的针织设计,更令人赞赏。
她是「香港时装设计师协会」创办人之一,并任首届主席及连任9年。另一方面,文丽贤亦是位资深形象顾问,其「个人专业形象」培训课程,早已闻名于香港的公营及私营机构,更曾获数十机构邀请出任形象顾问,负责中高层人员的「仪容、衣着、商务礼仪 及个人修养」培训。